
7 02 2013

Once again I must apologize for taking so long to post something……I have to say that going back to work is great but also exhausting so I am usually tired and just don’t get on the computer once I get home.  I am doing good and the incision I had that was not closing is now beginning to heal.  Like last time I had a staff infection so once I started taking  antibiotics it began closing…….  I am still swollen but I started working with a great Lymphadema specialist, Julia, who is doing a great job helping me get the fluid retention controlled.  I no longer look pregnant, just fat!!!!!  Julia measures me weekly and we are seeing progress so this is good news.  I have started doing a 15 min workout routine, utilizing my lymphatic pump and wearing my compressions as well.  I will most likely have issues with the swelling in my abdomen and legs the rest of my life but if I can keep it controlled it should not cause me any problems.  I can not say enough about how lucky I am to have had great physicians but also physicians who have utilized the wound care center and lymph clinic right after surgery so that I would not have issues.  Thank you ………….

By the way did I mention I have the best nurses in the wound care clinic!!!!!!!Yes I do…

I am also so thankful for all of my family, friends, co-workers, and all the people who have come into my life to pray for me and to help me.  It is all of your prayers, thoughts, comments, and  love that have helped me realize just how lucky I am.  Life is precious and I am not sure I truly appreciated it until this past year.  I am not sue I took the time to see just how special so many people are and how important it is to say thank you and I love you….I hope that in some small way I can be as kind and helpful to others as you all have been to me.  


I have seen better days, but I also have seen worse.  I do not have all my wants, but I do have all my needs. I woke up with a few aches and pains, but I woke up! My life may not be perfect, but I thank God it is good.

Author unknown